Fort Canning Park

Fort Canning was once known as the Bukit Larangan (Forbidden Hill) because the Malays in the 19th century believed that it was the place where the early Malay king resided in. The Malays back then would only ascend the hill if summoned or were given permission by the ruler. During the early days of British settlement in Singapore, the hill was known as the Government Hill where the Government House was built to house Sir Stamford Raffles and the first Christian cemetery in Singapore. The first botanical garden was also established during the same time in 1822.

In 1857, the government house was demolished to make way for the construction of a fort. Military fortifications were added and 7 68 pounds guns were installed to strengthen the defence capabilities of the nation. The hill was then renamed Fort Canning in honour of Viscount Charles John Canning who was the first viceroy of India.

In 1907, the fort became the Singapore Base District Headquarters for the Malaya Command. In 1923, it was demolished to form the largest military complex in Singapore housing a underground bomb proof bunker which included meeting rooms and an operation centre. During the Japanese Occupation, the military complex was the command post of General Arthur Percival. It was at this place where Singapore surrendered to Japanese General Yamashita on 14th February 1942. During the post war period, Fort Canning was used as the British Army Far East Command Centre and was later the defence headquarters of the Malaysian Armed Forces stationed in Singapore. After independence, the fort was converted to the SAF’s staff college.

Conservation efforts at the park have been rather successful. Today, we can still observe the remnants of the Fort Canning cemetery like the 1846 Gothic gateway which serve as a reminder of the Christian Fort Canning Cemetery that was built back then due to the high mortality rate.

The bunker which has been restored is now used as a war museum known as the Battle Box showcasing the prominent historical activities that took place at the park. Furthermore, the former military headquarter buildings have been turned into The Legend Fort Canning Park, a town club. Efforts were also made to restore some of the fortification located on the southern slope of the hill too.